A truly visionary, intelligent and funny follow-up to the simplistic, sugarsweet first film.Miller simply pulls of this wildly ambitious tale.And folks.....there's nothing wrong with some darkness in children's stories. Ask Roald Dahl or the brothers Grimm.
'Sentiment: Negative âšī¸'
Too much slapstick for my liking. And yet much was too subtlefor kids, too silly for adults. Way too surreal. Innocence,magic, and sheer novelty of the 1st film were inevitably notthere -- and destroyed by the inclusion of far too much of theReal World. Effects sometimes intruded -- don't want to noticewhen a character is a live animal vs. animatronic as much asthis. This didn't happen in the 1st film because it captured me.This one distracted. Overall, they tried too hard.
'Sentiment: Neutral đ'
Yes, the animals are cute, Babe is a charming creation, and the movie looks like a million (or 90 million) bucks. As the saying goes, it's all up there on the screen. But what's also up there is a weird mean-spiritedness and a sense of frantic desperation. I wasn't hoping for a mere rehash of the first film (in fact, I was hoping it wouldn't spawn a sequel at all), but "Babe: Pig in the City" follows the standard blueprint for sequels: bigger, faster, louder, MORE! Not to mention unnecessary and utterly inferior.